i couldnt finish the wall in that way that i have planed.i get a visit from two fucked up drunk guys living in the neighborhood ,one of them was already more then 25 years in jail.they told totally crazy shit and after he started to show on my self how they kill whit the knife one of the guys,his arms that are full of self done wounds and self made tattoos, showing his self made tattoos on his dick that was too much.i decide to leave the wall because i dont feel safe anymore and finish the wall tomorrow.next day the piece was crossed out whit the can that i have forget on the wall .so i clean the piece whit the last leftover of my outline color and made a quick background.anyway till now the spot was very nice place to paint and my favorite place,because the spot is in middle of the town but also in the middle of nowhere nobody see you paining there and nobody disturbs you.it was really fucked up situation to stand alone in middle of nowhere whit two really killers. it will be tear down next day to make place for a new shopping center.so its very unhappy end of the great spot.